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September 2024 Minutes






Thursday, September 19, 2024


Lloyd Cox called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at Merrifield P & D C in Merrifield VA. The following officers were present: Lloyd Cox, President; Alice Jackson, VP of Customer Service; Deborah Farmer, VP of P&DC; Joanne Farmer, Secretary/Treasurer, and Junemarie Brandt, Editor and Chief. Committee Chairs: Deborah Holley, Constitution/By-Laws; Harold Wade – Legislative; James Reedy, Resolution, and Kenneth Marshall, Sergeant at Arm. The following Officer was absent: Junemarie Brandt.

The agenda was read, and Rose Allen motioned to accept the agenda as read with any additional corrections; Andrew Martin 2nd; motion passed.

The minutes were read, and Alice Jackson motioned to accept the minutes as read with any necessary corrections; Darryl Beasley 2nd; motion passed.

The Treasury Report was read, and Alice Jackson motioned to accept the report with any necessary corrections; Harold Wade 2nd; motion passed.

Committee Reports

Constitution and By-laws – Chair, Deborah Holley

No report

Legislative- Chair, Harold Wade

No report

Membership – Chair, Andrew Martin

Signed up 1 new member

Benevolence – Chair, Darcy Driscoll

No report

Resolution – Chair, James Reedy

No report

Sargent-At-Arms – Chair, Kenneth (Kenny) Marshall

No report

Editor in Chief – June Marie Brandt

No report

Advocacy Reports

Rose Allen – no cases

Darryl Beasley – no cases

Junemarie Brandt – 3 I&I, 2 appeal LOW

Lloyd Cox – 3 I&I

Deborah Farmer – no cases  

Joanne Farmer – 2 I&I

Deborah Holley –no cases

Alice Jackson – 1 I&I and settlement for LOW

Andrew Martin – no cases

Harold Wade – no cases


Old Business

Proposed Changes to Constitution and By-laws – Second Reading

Article X                                                    Editor-In-Chief

The Editor-In-Chief shall fill the Office of the President in the event of a vacancy; shall mail notices of special meetings as stated in Article V; shall publish the newsletter for Branch 526; shall maintain a current mailing list; and other duties as assigned by the President.


The Editor -In -Chief shall fill the Office of the President in the event of a vacancy; shall prepare and publish the newsletter on the Branch website at the beginning of the month when a meeting is scheduled; shall maintain a current email list and other duties as assigned by the President.

Alice Jackson motioned to accept the new constitution change; Darcy Driscoll 2nd; motion passed.


Article XIV                                                Conventions

Section 6            The branch will provide per diem and mileage rates using the figures as outlined in USPS Travel Handbook, Appendix A. Per Diem @ $50 per day for each day of the meeting including the first and last day of travel.


Section 6            The branch will provide mileage rates using the figures as outlined in USPS Travel Handbook, Appendix A. Per Diem @ $50 per day for each day of the meeting including the first and last day of travel.

The Constitution and By-laws committee chair motioned to accept the changes to Article XIV Section 6; James Park 2nd; motion passed.


New Business

Lloyd stated we have been pushing Bill House 82. It is the windfall offset, which means if you are a postal employee, you are entitled to Social Security, and they cannot reduce it. Lloyd encourages the members to contact their congressperson to get them to sponsor the Bill.

Darcy stated the audit committee audited the secretary/treasury book, which complies, accurate and has no discrepancy.

NAPS National Convention at Foxwood Resort Casino Mashantucket, CT, from August 10, 2024, to August 13, 2024. The overall comments about the convention were delightful, well-organized, high-tech, and informative. Mr. Louis DeJoy, Postmaster General, addressed the supervisors at the convention. Greg Gray gave an outstanding presentation. Branch 526 was well-represented on the national convention committees. Also, Branch 526 Hospitality Room was a success. Overall, the networking was phenomenal. Junemarie Brandt won one of the newsletter awards, and Joanne Farmer won third place for Website.

November is the election for the Vice President of Customers, Vice President of P&DC, and Secretary/Treasurer. Lloyd assigned an election committee, chair Darryl Beasley, and Yvette Merkison.

Eastern Region Cabinet Meeting is January 16 – 29, 2025 in Cleveland, OH.

James Reedy won the $50 raffle drawing for attending the meeting.

Motion to adjourn was made at 8:30 pm by Harold Wade and second by Darryl Beasley; the motion passed.


Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Farmer



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