May 2024 Minutes
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Lloyd Cox called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm at Merrifield P & D C in Merrifield VA. The following officers were present: Lloyd Cox, President; Alice Jackson, VP of Customer Service; and Joanne Farmer, Secretary/Treasurer, and Junemarie Brandt – Editor and Chief. Committee Chairs: Deborah Holley - Constitution/By-Laws; Harold Wade – Legislative; Andrew Martin – Membership, and James Reedy – Resolution. The following Officers and Committee Chairs were absent: Deborah Farmer, Alice Jackson, and Kenneth Marshall.
Troy Griffith, Capitol Atlantic Area Vice President gave updates on what was happening at Headquarters with the Postal Services and answered any questions we asked.
The agenda was read, and Junemarie Brandt motioned to accept the agenda as read with any additional corrections; Harold Wade 2nd; motion passed.
The minutes were read, and Junemarie Brandt motioned to accept the minutes as read with any necessary corrections; Bill White 2nd; motion passed.
The Treasury Report was read, and Darcy Driscoll motioned to accept the treasury report with any necessary corrections; Junemarie Brandt 2nd; motion passed.
Committee Reports
Constitution and By-laws – Chair, Deborah Holley
No report
Legislative- Chair, Harold Wade
The legislative report was read and it was submitted and posted on the website in the newsletter
Membership – Chair, Andrew Martin
No report
Benevolence – Chair, Darcy Driscoll
Alice Jackson and Timothy Swint sent $100 (surgeries)
Resolution – Chair, James Reedy
No report
Sargent-At-Arms – Chair, Kenneth (Kenny) Marshall
No report
Editor in Chief – June Marie Brandt
No report
Advocacy Reports
Rose Allen – no cases
Junemarie Brandt – 2 LOW and 2 I&I
Lloyd Cox – 4 I&I and a downgrade
William White – no cases
Joanne Farmer – 7-Day reduced to one year in file and 1 grievance
Harold Wade – no cases
Deborah Holley –no cases
Old Business
The Pin for National Convention cost will be $2:15 each and the Blinky will be $1.25 extra ($3.45).
New Business
Junemarie Brandt made a motion to increase to pay the President cell phone bill from $120 to $150; Darcy Driscoll 2nd the motion; the motion passed.
Darcy Driscoll made a motion to increase to pay the Secretary/Treasurer cell phone bill from $75 to $100; Harold Wade 2nd the motion; the motion passed.
Junemarie Brandt made a motion to purchase 10 tickets to support Branch 42 fundraiser (Crab Feast) on September 7, 2024; Bill White 2nd the motion; the motion passed.
Deborah Holley made a motion to purchase 10 tickets to support Branch 42 fundraiser (Crab Feast) on September 7, 2024; Bill White 2nd the motion; the motion passed.
Joanne Farmer stated she received a letter and read from Branch 003 asking us to donate a $100 to sponsor a hole at the Golf tournament at the National Convention at Foxwood Resort Casino.
Joanne Farmer stated she received and read a thank you card from Alice Jackson for benevolence.
Lloyd Cox stated he received thank you cards and calls from the candidates we sponsor for re-election to Officers. They were very appreciative, thankful, and grateful for our donation.
The Humanitarian Group (Branch 936) is asking us to do donate $100 for the National Convention. Junemarie Brandt motioned to give $100 to Branch 936 for Humanitarian Group at the National Convention; Bill White 2nd the motion and passed.
CAASC asked each branch to donate two (2) $25 gift cards. Deborah Holley made a motion to purchase and donate two (2) $25 gift cards to CAASC; Junemarie Brandt 2nd the motion; the motion passed.
Junemarie Brandt motioned to purchase 20 regulars and 5 Binkies pins for the National Convention; Darcy Driscoll 2nd the motion; the motion passed.
Lloyd Cox stated the District Virginia Employee Career Conference was a success. Virginia State Branch 951 had a table and two members of Branch 98 helped manage the table. Also, Richard Green Eastern Regional, VP, and the Eastern Regional Auxiliary VP visited the Employee Career Conference.
Lloyd thanked everyone for attending the meeting. The next branch meeting will be in person at the Merrifield Plant room 108. The third Thursday in July (7/18/24) and Zoom are unavailable for this meeting.
Yvette Merkison won the $50 raffle drawing for attending the meeting.
Motion to adjourn was made at 8:19 pm by James Reedy and 2nd by Darcy Driscoll; motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joanne Farmer