July 2024 Minutes
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Lloyd Cox called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at Merrifield P & D C in Merrifield VA. The following officers were present: Lloyd Cox, President; Alice Jackson, VP of Customer Service; Deborah Farmer, VP of P&DC; Joanne Farmer, Secretary/Treasurer, and Junemarie Brandt, Editor and Chief. Committee Chairs: Deborah Holley, Constitution/By-Laws; Harold Wade – Legislative; James Reedy, Resolution, and Kenneth Marshall, Sergeant at Arm. The following Committee Chairs were absent: Darcy Driscoll and Andrew Martin.
The agenda was read, and Junemarie Brandt motioned to accept the agenda as read with any additional corrections; William White 2nd; motion passed.
The minutes were read, and Junemarie Brandt motioned to accept the minutes as read with any necessary corrections; Alice Jackson 2nd; motion passed.
The Treasury Report was read, and Alice Jackson motioned to accept the report with any necessary corrections; Harold Wade 2nd; motion passed.
Committee Reports
Constitution and By-laws – Chair, Deborah Holley
No report
Legislative- Chair, Harold Wade
No report
Membership – Chair, Andrew Martin
No report
Benevolence – Chair, Darcy Driscoll
No report
Resolution – Chair, James Reedy
No report
Sargent-At-Arms – Chair, Kenneth (Kenny) Marshall
No report
Editor in Chief – June Marie Brandt
No report
Advocacy Reports
Rose Allen – no cases
Darryl Beasley – no cases
Junemarie Brandt – 1 I&I
Lloyd Cox – no cases
Deborah Farmer – Emergency Placement, LOW reduced to 3 months
Joanne Farmer – 1 I&I and 1 grievance
Deborah Holley –no cases
Alice Jackson – 3 I&I and 3 Discussions
Harold Wade – no cases
William White – 1 I&I
Old Business
Junemarie spoke about the conference at the Pennsylvania State Convention.
New Business
Proposed Changes to Constitution and By-laws - First Reading
Article X Editor-In-Chief
The Editor-In-Chief shall fill the Office of the President in the event of a vacancy; shall mail notices of special meetings as stated in Article V; shall publish the newsletter for Branch 526; shall maintain a current mailing list; and other duties as assigned by the President.
The Editor -In -Chief shall fill the Office of the President in the event of a vacancy; shall prepare and publish the newsletter on the Branch website at the beginning of the month when a meeting is scheduled; shall maintain a current email list and other duties as assigned by the President.
Article XIV Conventions
Section 6 The branch will provide per diem and mileage rates using the figures as outlined in USPS Travel Handbook, Appendix A. Per Diem @ $50 per day for each day of the meeting including the first and last day of travel.
Section 6 The branch will provide mileage rates using the figures as outlined in USPS Travel Handbook, Appendix A. Per Diem @ $50 per day for each day of the meeting including the first and last day of travel.
Alice Jackson and Lloyd commented on the district 3 Quarterly meeting:
Lloyd stated the Labor Manager referred to resolving correction action through Articles and grievances procedures and Lloyd reminded him that we are not craft we do not use articles. He wants these quarterly meetings to be more informative and for Naps to present their ideas on how current postal objectives can succeed. Also, how naps can help at the local level. Every Virginia NAPS President was invited to the meeting via Zoom. Lloyd stated he found this meeting very productive.
Alice stated that Mr. Roane stated that there is such a considerable number of new management employees, that the postal service is having a tough time getting them trained. Current seasoned management needs to motivate, teach, train, and develop our supervisors, but they are not. What we are doing is throwing them into situations, and new supervisors are pushing back. Then you get disrespect and confrontation between the manager and supervisor on the floor. Also, supervisors do not know what they are doing (their job). Lloyd also stated he does not understand why we allow our supervisors to do whatever they want and dress unprofessionally. He stated he walked into a station and a supervisor had on basketball shorts, which he should have been sent home. He also stated that supervisors are not accountable for their area and hold their employees accountable. He also said that the Manager has to give the supervisor the tools to do the job. Alice stated overall it was an exceptionally good meeting.
Lloyd stated at the last CAASC convention, that we had two bi-states split. The Carolina bi-state split, now South Carolina and North Carolina, and the DC/ Maryland bi-state split, now we have DC and Maryland. We have five states that are their own entities.
Lloyd also stated he would like to see more members contributing to Supervisor Political Action Committee (SPAC).
The National wants each Branch to donate four $25 gift cards to the Convention for SPAC.
Lloyd thanked everyone for attending the meeting. The next branch meeting will be in person at the Merrifield Plant room 108. The third Thursday in September (9/18/24) and Zoom is unavailable for this meeting.
Harold Wade won the $50 raffle drawing for attending the meeting.
Motion to adjourn was made at 8:11 pm by Junemarie Brandt and 2nd by Alice Jackson; motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joanne Farmer