January 2024 Minutes
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Lloyd Cox called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm via Zoom. The following officers were present: Lloyd Cox, President; Alice Jackson, VP Customer Service; Deborah Farmer, VP -P&; DC; Joanne Farmer, Secretary/Treasurer, June Marie Brandt, Editor in Chief. Committee Chairs: Deborah Holley - Constitution/By-Laws; Kenny Marshall - Sargent at Arms; Harold Wade – Legislative; Darcy Driscoll – Benevolence; Andrew Martin – Membership, and James Reedy – Resolution.
The agenda was read, and Darcy Driscoll motioned to accept the minutes as read with any additional corrections; Alice Jackson 2nd; motion passed.
The minutes were read, and Alice Jackson motioned to accept the minutes as read with any necessary corrections; Darryl Beasley 2nd; motion passed.
The Treasury Report was read, and Alice Jackson motioned to accept the treasury report with any necessary corrections; Harold Wade 2nd, motion passed.
Committee Reports
Constitution and By-laws – Chair, Deborah Holley
No report
Legislative- Chair, Harold Wade
No report
Membership – Chair, Andrew Martin
No report
Benevolence – Chair, Darcy Driscoll
No report
Resolution – Chair, James Reedy
No report
Sargent-At-Arms – Chair, Kenneth (Kenny) Marshall
No report
Editor in Chief – June Marie Brandt
No report
Advocacy Reports
Darryl Beasley – 1 I &I
Kenny Marshall – no cases
Alice Jackson – no cases
June Marie Brandt – 3 I & I
Lloyd Cox – 1 Notice of Proposed Removal, Removal from HQ, and Downgrade/ Mediation
Deborah Farmer – no cases
William White – no cases
Joanne Farmer – 1 I&I and 7 Day
Harold Wade – 1 I & I
Deborah Holley –1 I & I
Old Business
The Eastern Region Cabinet Meeting (ERCM) was held at the Hilton Head, SC, from January 11 to 14, 2024. The overall comments about the cabinet meeting were very enjoyable, well-organized, and informative. The networking was outstanding.
New Business
Joanne Farmer named the members that will be eligible to attend the Convention in 2024: Rose Allen, Tina Barrett, Earl Baylor, Darryl Beasley, Junemarie Brandt, Lloyd Cox, Darcy Driscoll, Deborah Farmer, Joanne Farmer, Deborah Holley, Alice Jackson, Kenneth Marshall, Andrew Martin, Yvette Merkison, James Parks, James Reedy, Harold Wade and William White.
Legislative Training Seminar (LTS) is March 3 – 6, 2024 in Arlington VA. The following members going to LTS: Junemarie Brandt, Joanne Farmer, Deborah Farmer, Alice Jackson, Andrew Martin, James Reedy, Yvette Merkison, and Harold Wade. Junemarie Brandt motioned to send the nine (8) delegates to LTS; Deborah Holley 2nd the motion; the motion passed.
Capitol Atlantic Area State Convention (CAASC) is May 23 to 26, 2024 in Asheville NC. The following members going to CAASC: Rose Allen, Darryl Beasley, Junemarie Brandt, Darcy Driscoll, Joanne Farmer, Deborah Holley, Alice Jackson, Kenneth Marshall, Andrew Martin, Yvette Merkison, James Parks, James Reedy, Harold Wade. William White motioned to send the fifteen (12) delegates to CAASC; Earl Baylor 2nd the motion; the motion passed. Joanne Farmer amended the motion to include one more person it will be (13) delegates to CAASC; Junemarie 2nd the motion; the motion passed.
The National Convention is August 10 to 17, 2024 in Mashantucket, CT. The following members are going to the National Convention: Rose Allen, Tina Barrett, Darryl Beasley, Junemarie Brandt, Darcy Driscoll, Joanne Farmer, Deborah Holley, Alice Jackson, Kenneth Marshall, Andrew Martin, Yvette Merkison, James Parks, James Reedy, Harold Wade, and William White. Joanne Farmer motioned to send the fifteen (15) delegates to the National Convention; Joanne Farmer 2nd the motion; the motion passed.
Joanne Farmer stated we will purchase vests for branch 526, if you don’t go to the National Convention, you must return your vest to the branch to get clean and pass it to the next member going to the National Convention.
Kenny made a motion to purchase vests for delegates going to the National Convention; William White 2nd the motion; the motion passed.
Junemarie Brandt made a motion to purchase shirts for NAPS delegates and Auxiliary delegates for the CAASC and National Convention; Kenny Marshall 2nd the motion; the motion passed.
Members suggested we have a suite at the National Conventions to hold meetings and fellowship within our branch. James Parks motioned to pay for a suite for Secretary/Treasurer, Branch 526, President at the National Convention and it was 2nd by Bill White, motioned passed.
Kenny made a motion to pay the registration for the Auxiliaries for the CAASC and the National Convention; Junemarie Brandt 2nd the motion; the motion passed.
President Remarks:
Lloyd thanks everyone for attending the meeting. The next branch meeting will be in person at the Merrifield Plant room 108. The third Thursday in March (3/21/24) and you cannot join by Zoom. He stated he would like to bring speakers to our meeting to talk about mental health, Retirement/financial advisors, and National Officers.
Motion to adjourn was made at 8:17 pm by Junemarie Brandt and 2nd by Harold Wade; motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joanne Farmer