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March 2024




President’s Message


Welcome members of Branch 526,


I come to you with a heavy heart, with the news that Arnold Navarre, Richmond Branch 98 President, has passed. If you knew Arnold, you would agree with me that we have lost a giant in our NAPS family. He was branch president for some 30 years. Prior to his death, the members of Branch 98 had renamed their branch the Arnold Navarre Branch 98. A great tribute to a man who gave his life to the betterment and growth of all postal supervisors, managers, and postmasters.


Local Branch 526 members visited Capitol Hill last week to advocate for you and all NAPS’s 47,000 members. We presented information on several Bills for the betterment of our local and nationwide EAS employees. Prior to going to the Hill, we attended NAPS Legislative Training Session (LTS). In the sessions we learned about how we can provide firsthand knowledge of work situations as postal supervisors, managers, and postmasters. We highlighted the issues that you, our members, have brought to our attention. As I always say, NAPS is about helping you navigate, educating and finally advocating on your behalf. A NAPS member is more informed about EAS situations than a non-member.


Just like craft employees, you are not required to work off the clock. However, you are required to follow directions. If you find yourself being directed to work off the clock, hand your manager or postmaster a PS Form 1260 to approve your work time. If they refuse, contact one of our NAPS advocates.


Take time to visit our new 526 branch website It has been up and running for a couple of months. New information is continually being added and there is a link to the NAPS national website. We are always looking for more ideas and suggestions.


A reminder that we are no longer mailing our Branch newsletter. The newsletter will be posted on the website and e-mailed to those members who have provided NAPS with their email address. Update your personal email address with me at


Our Branch Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of every other month (the odd months). We have returned to in-person meetings. Meetings will be at the Merrifield Post office, located at 8409 Lee Highway, room 108, at 7 pm. This month’s meeting is on Thursday, March 21, 2024. NAPS will continue to work for you! Come to the Branch meeting and get involved.


If you sign up as a member, NAPS Headquarters will give you $25. If it is a new member for Branch 526, we will give you an additional $50. That’s $75 for signing up as a new member. This promotion is ending soon.


Lloyd B. Cox, President, James E. Parks Jr. Branch 526



Branch 526 Member Advocates


Customer Service--Alice Jackson (703) 763-9317, Mail Processing--Deborah Farmer (301) 356-6955, Headquarters--June Brandt (412) 600-6206

If unable to reach an advocate contact President Lloyd Cox at (571) 422-8749


Contact a NAPS advocate ASAP if you are asked to participate in an investigative interview or are issued corrective action.





NAPS will hold its 69th National Convention on August 11-16, 2024, at Foxwoods Resort Casino,  Mashantucket, Connecticut.  Branch 526 delegates will be serving as members or chairmen of convention committees. Elections will be held for the offices of National President, Executive Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer. Voting will also be held for the positions of Regional and Area Vice Presidents. This will give Branch 526 members an opportunity to discuss with Managers, Postmasters, and Supervisors from across the country the continuing changes occurring in the Postal Service


Branch 526 President Lloyd B. Cox with Congressman Jamie Raskin, Ranking Member  House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. Congressman Raskin has consistently supported the Legislative goals of NAPS


Contact Your House Representative and Senators to ask if they will co-sponsor and support bills that concern NAPS and USPS

(House Bills are designated with H.R. and Senate Bills with S.)

H.R. 3005, Postal Police Reform Act & S. 3356, Postal Police Reform Act

The bill would reverse a 2020 directive from the Chief Postal Inspector that limited the jurisdiction of the U.S. postal police to postal facilities.


H.R. 594, Postal Supervisors and Managers Fairness Act

The bill would provide for the timely start of pay talks between Executive Administrative Schedule (EAS) postal employees and USPS. It would establish a fair and credible process for the conduct of pay consultations by requiring adherence to the findings and conclusions of an independent act-finding panel.


H.R. 595, Postal Employee Appeal Rights Amendment Act

The bill would confer to approximately 5,000 non-supervisory managerial postal employees the right to appeal significant personnel actions to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB).


H.R. 82, Social Security Fairness Act & S. 597, Social Security Fairness Act

The bill would repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset, sections of the Social Security law that unfairly reduce the rightful benefits of Civil Service Retirement System annuitants and surviving spouses.


For details of NAPS Legislative goals, see





The March meeting of NAPS Branch 526 will be held on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 7:00 PM in Room 108 of the Merrifield Post Office, 8409 Lee Hwy, Merrifield, VA 22116

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